Complete list of Q-CODES:
If you have remarks to the list, then write to webmaster!
Q-Signal | Explanation |
QRA | Name of station |
QRB | Approximate distance from your station to mine |
QRC | Accounts for charges to station liquidated by xxx private company |
QRD | Where are you going; I am going to xxx |
QRE | Nationality of station |
QRF | Where do you come from; I come from xxx |
QRG | Your exact wavelength in meters or frequency in kilocycles |
QRH | My exact wavelength of frequency |
QRI | Is my tone bad; my tone is bad |
QRJ | Cannot receive you, signals too weak |
QRK | Receive you well, signals good |
QRL | Are you busy; I am busy |
QRM | Being interfered with |
QRN | Troubled by atmospherics |
QRO | Increase power |
QRP | Decrease power |
QRQ | Send faster |
QRS | Send more slowly |
QRT | Stop sending |
QRU | Have you anything for me; I have nothing for you |
QRV | Send series of Vs |
QRW | Advise xxx that I am calling him |
QRX | Must I wait; wait! |
QRY | Which is my turn; your turn is xxx |
QRZ | Who is calling me; you a being called by xxx |
QSA | Strength of signal (1-5) |
QSB | Strength of signal varies |
QSC | Signal disappears entirely at intervals |
QSD | Is my keying bad; keying is bad |
QSE | Signals distinct? Signals run together |
QSF | Automatic transmission good? Automatic transmission fades out |
QSG | Transmit telegrams by series of 5, 10, or xx |
QSH | Send telegram one at a time |
QSI | Send telegrams in alternate order without repetitions |
QSJ | Charge to be collected per word |
QSK | Suspend traffic and call again at (time) |
QSL | Acknowledgement of receipt |
QSM | Received acknowledgement of receipt |
QSN | Can you receive me now; cannot receive you now |
QSO | Can you/I can communicate with xxx |
QSP | Relay free of charge |
QSQ | Send each word or group once |
QSR | Distress call from xxx has been attended to by yyy |
QSU | Send on xxx meters (kilocycles) waves of Type A1, A2, A3, or B |
QSV | Shift to wave of xxx meters (kilocycles) for rest of communications |
QSW | I will send on xxx meters (kilocycles) waves of Type A1, A2, A3, or B |
QSX | Wavelength (frequency) varies |
QSY | Send on xxx meters (kilocycles) without changing type of wave |
QSZ | Send each word or group twice |
QTA | Cancel telegram # xxx if not yet sent |
QTB | Agree with word count? I do not agree with word count |
QTC | Number of telegrams sent |
QTD | Word count that you are confirming is accepted |
QTE | True bearing is xxx degrees |
QTF | Position of your station based on bearings is xxx |
QTG | 1 minute call signal for radio compass bearings |
QTH | Position in latitude/longitude (or any other indication) |
QTI | True course |
QTJ | Speed in knots |
QTK | True bearing relative to me is xxx degrees |
QTL | Sending signals to permit bearing with respect to the radio beacon |
QTM | Sending radio and submarine sound signals to permit bearing and distance |
QTN | Cannot take bearing of your station |
QTP | Going to enter dock or port |
QTR | Exact time |
QTS | True bearing of my station relative to you |
QTU | Station open from xxx to yyy (times) |