HF: Contact to
radio amateur's around the world - DXing
Rig: Yeasu FT-847 - FT817
PA: spe Expert 1K-FA - Look
here... 1.8 - 50 MHz, Fully Automatic Solid State Linear Amplifier
HF: 80/40 m: TRAP-Dipole, Homemade, 40 m: Shorted
DIPOLE in tower, 10/15/20 m: TR3-Tribander from HIGAIN
6 m: 4 ell. LongYagi, Homemade
4 m: Dipole, Homemade
2 M: 16 ell. LongYagi Para-beam
70 cm: 22 ell. LongYagi
VHF/UHF Local contact for Scandinavia and Europe
Constructions Building
homemade equipment and measuring Instruments
N2PK's Vector Network Analyser 50 kHz - 60 MHz
SDR-kit 1 kHz - 1.3 GHz Vector Network Analyzer v2
Club-activities My local HAM-radio club
WEB construction
WEBmaster for: http://www.OZ7IGY.dk and http://www.planker.dk