Messuring TRAP-dipole with USB-VNWA v2.6 from SDR-KIT, DG8SAQ - Nov. 2010

Calibration of the VNWA i very importent.

My Calibration-Load is a SUHNER, 6500.17A/757448, 18 GHz/0,5 Watt -
on top off the VNVA together with homemade SHORT.
In forground is a homemade BRIDGE, design: OZ3SW, described: OZ2CPU, LINK her!!
good up to 1 GHz. Made for N2PK's VNA, and a homemade Spectrum Analyzer.

Left down-corner of VNWA is a SMA-load, good up to 18 GHz, and on the table
som other connectors to be used for connecting DUTs.

Here is the VNWA Calibreted for use on the 40 meter band:

As you see, the SUHNER-Load has a VSWR at 1:1 ( better than 65 db )

A homemade TRAP-DIPOLE for 80/40 meter band is the first messuring, says:

Result: VSWR better than 1.12:1 ( 25,9 db)

Now Calibrating for the 80 m band:

Also here, the SUHNER-Load has a VSWR at 1:1 ( better than 65 db )

Made for the LOW-END of the band, the VSWR is better than 1.13:1 ( 24,45 db)

I am a CW-entuchast, so LOW-END is a must for mee.

A PA EXPERT 1K-FA have an automatic tuner.
The antenna do the job from 3.500 to 3.700 MHz on the 80 meter band and on 40 meter
I can work the hole band. Se the construction here...

My first experience with the USB-VNWA v2.6 is GOOD, but mush more is comming to learn.

De OZ6YM, Palle